filename locus chromosomes count_sum dataset popname ethnicity region country geo popnotes latit longit completeness resolution method citation author year title journal volume pages email redundancy country_lab lab_pi ua_ethnic_code ethnic_code freq_code typing_comments admixture admixture_ethnicities haplotyped? genotyped? controls? disease analyses_theirs analyses_others analyses_ours mack_comments initials DRB1_Ainu_1996.pop DRB1 100 100 lit Ainu_1996 Asian 08-NEA Hidaka district, Hokkaido 1 Hokkaido, Northern Japan 042.87N 142.45E 1 0.99 PCR-SSO {BTI+96} Bannai 1996 HLA Class II Alleles in Ainu Living in Hidaka District, Hokkaido, Northern Japan American Journal of Physical Anthropology 101 p1-9 JP Bannai 1301001 38 1 Kimura and Sasazuki, 1992 N Y N N YT DRB1 count 01 1 1501 2 1502 1 1101 3 1106 5 1201 4 1202 8 1302 1 1401 20 1406 17 0403 3 0405 8 0410 2 0802 10 0803 1 0901 14