;; comment out or change as desired ;; 1 = true, 0 = false [General] debug=0 ;; if the following options are set, they are used as the names of the ;; output file names ;;txtOutFilename=out.txt ;;xmlOutFilename=out.xml ;; if above options not set, the script generates filenames depending ;; on the 'outFilePrefixType' ;; if 'outFilePrefixType' it omitted or blank, it generates ;; filenames in the form: ;; -YYYY-mm-dd-HH-SS-MM-out.{txt,xml} e.g. if input ;; filename is "Zulu-one.txt", a result might be: ;; "Zulu-one-2001-09-21-01-29-35-out.txt" ;; if 'outFilePrefixType' is 'filename', then filenames are of the form: ;; -out.{txt,xml} outFilePrefixType=filename ;; XSLT file to transform XML file into final result, defaults to ;; 'text.xsl' located in system datapath, don't set unless you wish to ;; use a different transformation ;;xslFilename=xslt/text.xsl [Filters] ;filtersToApply=DigitBinning:Sequence ;filtersToApply=Sequence filtersToApply=AnthonyNolan_firstpass:CustomBinning:AnthonyNolan_secondpass [DigitBinning] filterType=DigitBinning binningDigits=4 [Sequence] sequenceFileSuffix=_prot directory=/home/solberg/Thomsonlab/ihwg/src/data/anthonynolan/msf/ [AnthonyNolan_firstpass] filterType=AnthonyNolan alleleFileFormat=msf ;; ;; alternative location of msf sequence alignment files (available ;; from ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/imgt/mhc/hla/ directory=/home/solberg/Thomsonlab/ihwg/src/data/anthonynolan/msf/ ;; ;; the default behavior of the anthony nolan filter is to ignore ;; allele ambiguity ("slash") notation. this notation, common in the ;; literature, looks like 010101/0102/010301. the default behavior ;; will simply truncate this to 0101. if you want to preserve the ;; notation, set the following option to 1. this will result in a ;; filtered allele "name" of 0101/0102/0103 in the above hypothetical ;; example. [default for this flag is 0]. preserve-ambiguous=1 ;; ;; the default behavior of the anthony nolan filter is to replace ;; unknown alleles with the "untyped allele designator". if you want ;; the filter to keep allele names it does not recognize, set the ;; following flag to 1. [default for this flag is 0]. preserve-unknown=1 ;; ;; the following flag is similar to the previous flag, but only ;; applies to "lowres" alleles. if set to 1, pypop will keep allele ;; names that are shorter than the default allele name length, usually ;; 4 digits long. but if the 'preserve-unknown' flag is set, this one ;; has no effect, because all unknown alleles are preserved. [default ;; is 0.] preserve-lowres=1 [AnthonyNolan_secondpass] filterType=AnthonyNolan alleleFileFormat=msf directory=/home/solberg/Thomsonlab/ihwg/src/data/anthonynolan/msf/ preserve-ambiguous=1 preserve-unknown=0 preserve-lowres=1 [CustomBinning] ;; you can provide a set of custom rules for replacing alleles use the ;; following example as a template. allele names should be separated ;; by / marks. this filter match any allele names that are exactly ;; the same as the ones you list here, and will also find "close ;; matches" (but only if there are no exact matches.) in the ;; following example, A*03 alleles will match to 01/02/03, except for ;; A*0306, which will match to 04/05/0306. if you place a ! mark in ;; front of the first allele name, that one will be used as the "new ;; name" for the binned group (for example, A*0805 will be called 07 ;; in the binned data.) note that the space at the beginning of the ;; lines (following the first line of each locus) is important. the ;; detault rules provided here are compiled from the following ;; sources: ;; ;; Mack et al. (2007) "Methods used in the generation and preparation ;; of data for analysis in the 13th International Histocompatibility ;; Workshop" In J. Hansen, editor, Immunobiology of the Human MHC: ;; Proceedings of the 13th International Histocompatibility Workshop ;; and Conference, volume I, chapter 2, pages 564-579. Seattle, WA: ;; IHWG Press, 2007a. ;; ;; Cano at al. (2007) "Common and well-documented HLA alleles: report ;; of the Ad-Hoc committee of the american society for ;; histocompatiblity and immunogenetics." Hum Immunol, 68(5):392-417, ;; 2007. ;; ;; The Anthony Nolan website list of deleted allele names (found at ;; http://www.anthonynolan.com/HIG/lists/delnames.html ) ;; ;; Ambiguous Allele Combinations, release 2.18.0 (found on the ;; IMGT/HLA website at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/imgt/hla/ambig.html ) A=!****/2401 !0101/0104/0105/0122 !0201/0209/0243/0266/0275/0283/0289/0297/02G1 !0206/9226 !0207/0215 !0211/0269/0298 !0222/0223/9204 !0296/0298 !0281/9224 !0301/0320/0321/0326/03G1 !1101/1121 !2301/2307 !2402/2409/2411/2440/2476/2479/24G1 !2403/2433 !2408/2412 !2601/2624/2626 !3004/3005 !3101/3114 !3108/2416 !3303/3302 !6801/6811/6833 !7401/7402 B=!****/0701/4203/5803 !0702/0744/0749/0758/07G1 !0705/0706 !0801/0819 !1304/1305 !1501/9502/9504 !1503/9503 !1512/1519 !1518/7901 !1539/1541 !1814/1816 !1801/1817/18G1 !2705/2713/27G1 !2706/2722 !3501/3540/3542/3557/35G1 !3503/3570 !3543/1522/3567 !3544/1559 !3924/3921 !4001/4055/40G1 !4002/4056 !4016/4017 !4040/4041 !4402/4419/4427/4401/44G1 !4501/4507 !4801/4809 !5002/5003 !5101/5111/5130/5132/5148/51G1 !5122/5125 !5201/5207 !5504/5506 !5801/5811 !8101/8102 C=!****/1101/1301 !0102/0101 !0202/0201 !0303/0320 !0304/0301 !0401/0402/0409/04G1 !0421/0422 !0501/0503 !0602/0601 !0701/0706/0718/07G1 !0704/0711 !1202/1201 !1402/140201/1401 !1403/1603 !1502/1501/1513 !1604/1605 !1701/1702/1703 !1801/1802 DPA1=!0103/0101/0102 DPB1=!****/0701/1201 !0201/4801 !0301/0502 !0401/2301/3901 !0402/0602/4901/5101 !1901/0802 !1301/0902 !1401/7601 !2801/4301 !3101/4201 !4001/6201 DQA1=!0101/0104/0105 !0301/0302/0303/03 !0501/0501/0502/0503/0505/0506/0507/0508/0509/05 !0601/0602/06 DQB1=!0201/0202/0204 !0301/0309/0319 !0602/0611 !0605/0609 DRB1=!0701/0702 !1201/1203/1206/1210 !1401/1454 !1405/1443 !1501/1506 !1605/1606 [ParseAlleleCountFile] ;; the following two variables in this section define two lists of ;; valid fields for blocks, note that the second and subsequent lines ;; of each variable *must* be indented by a single space ;; valid fields in population header block validPopFields=filename locus chromosomes count_sum dataset popname ethnicity region country geo latit longit completeness resolution year citation ;; valid fields for sample data block ;; the first element in the 'validSampleFields', which is a locus ;; name, can match one of many locus names (delimited by colons ':'). ;; e.g. it may look like: DQA1:DRA:DQB1. in this case if the field in ;; the input file match *any* of these keys return the field and a ;; valid match. This allows the .ini file to be reused across many ;; data files with different locus names without modification. validSampleFields=* count [HomozygosityEWSlatkinExact] ;; use section if the Monte Carlo approximation to the Slatkin exact ;; Ewens-Watterson test should be run numReplicates=10000